Back again....

.... a weekend of minimal wandering and no photography.  That is one way to tell I am a bit off kilter.  The month so far has been difficult and unfocused.  I have given a lot of thought to the whys of being here - - both location and in the universe.
  Sadly, my sister passed away two weeks ago.  She was quite a character that I wish I had known better.  Due to age difference - 21 years {yes, you read that number correctly} we were never in the same place at the same time.  When I moved away from Connecticut, she and her family moved back.  Yes, we visited over the years but it takes more than occasional visits to build a connection. I do believe we had quite a bit in common beyond having the same parents, but neither one of us really tried to bridge the gap of distance or years.  
This week also marks two years in my home here in North Carolina.  I look around the rooms and know it is "home" - - I've marked my territory well.  It is comfortable and when I open the door, it looks and feels like home.....but....yes, there is a but.  
I participated in a garage sale and finally let go of quite a few decorative items that I just couldn't incorporate or find the place for.  It seemed like the right decision, I'm sure it was....but...Just one more bit of letting go.  Always difficult...
Letting go of people you love...letting go of stuff...knowing nothing will replace them and there shouldn't be the need to but there is the feeling of a blank place.


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