which is an average of five years in a location... getting ready to move. Yes, truly love Greensboro (apartment not so much - but that is a story for another day) and the wonderful friends I have made here but it is time to pack up and move on. And pack up is exactly what I have been doing. Shedding many things - sofa, metal storage cabinet used for crafts, and other general & sundry things. Yet there are still many, many boxes. I have accumulated quite a bit of art supplies, findings, and thingamajigs that will be repurposed along with normal household stuff. Once settled in new abode, will have an actual space designated for work center.
Will search out local outlet to share (sell) my creations and hold classes in citra solv and atc's. I will maintain this site along with Facebook page as retail outlets as well. A new line of greeting cards is in the works...partnering with a friend that has turned snarky into an art and the cards should be available in June 2018.
And, of course, wander my new territory enjoying photo journeys.