Photography sampling
I have decided to post a sampling along with a link to Google+....If you would like to order print copies, please let me know. Stock sizes along with greeting cards are available.

I do appreciate your respect for my creations - I have not watermarked and expect people to not help themselves to the photos without my permission.
Link to view other photos :
Deja vu Designs USA Photo collection
All photos and text on Déjà vu Designs USA are registered. All rights reserved and are for web browser viewing only. They may not be used for any other reason without express written permission. For information about using for other purposes including advertising, collage or other use, please contact me to avoid copyright and intellectual property law violations. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
All photos and text on Déjà vu Designs USA are registered. All rights reserved and are for web browser viewing only. They may not be used for any other reason without express written permission. For information about using for other purposes including advertising, collage or other use, please contact me to avoid copyright and intellectual property law violations. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.