Being Creative is NOT a hobby....

The Whimsical Women Show was fantastic. The art exhibited was diverse, unique and the displays were wonderful. I would estimate at least 800 people came to view the works and shop.....
and then the Mother Nature stepped up her game and blew it all away. The day was sunny and beautiful but the wind came along in gusts up to 30 mph. Not conducive to keeping display tents upright even with weights. My poor neighbor had beautiful fabric art that flew away even though she had a beautiful tent complete with sides. Had it not been for my dear friend, Carla Duncan, my tent would have been gone with the wind.
Despite conditions and the fact we shut it down by 2:30, many pieces of my art found a new home. If you were not able to attend the show, but would like to purchase one of my creations, you are welcome to contact me. Local delivery can be arranged or shipment can be scheduled.