The Illustrated mind...

... has been in the works for a few months.  Picked up the mannequin head last November.  From the markings appears to have been used for acupuncture training.  But now it is becoming my version of phrenology.  Still shows right / left brain difference.  Along with added "extras" such as: nothing, worry, more open than closed, make believe, etc.  Not finished...but getting close.  Back of head will have a small door surgically installed for access to private thoughts.  A friend suggested staples instead of black lines between sections - well real staples won't penetrate the plastic, so drew them on with liquid pearls and a toothpick.
Thanks to a quick trip today to Reconsidered Goods in Greensboro, acquired another head !!!  Not sure of the theme yet, but will be more of a challenge due to pose and size.  Not really challenge but more brain cramps deciding what it will become.


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