Once again there has been a lapse
This time due to what I thought was "doing the right thing". Assisting a friend with challenges that were ultimately "self induced" {in my opinion of course}. All details not resolved / corrected, but I left without regret. Did the best possible under the circumstances. And now to breathe deep and return to my world with the other location barely visible on the horizon.

I felt myself resurfacing as I planned to cram numerous activities into the past few week. From Parisian Festival in Greensboro, traveling to Mt. Airy, Thomasville Memorial Day Parade, and panning for gold.
I felt myself resurfacing as I planned to cram numerous activities into the past few week. From Parisian Festival in Greensboro, traveling to Mt. Airy, Thomasville Memorial Day Parade, and panning for gold.
Working on the calendar and looking over at all the unfinished projects that just might be addressed when weather forces me to remain indoors again.......