Just this weekend I have learned....
.... I do like martinis as long as they are made with Godiva chocolate, beer samplings can be interesting, and there is a way to cook flank steak that has nothing to do with fajitas.

Had the opportunity to introduce a friend to the unique shops in downtown Greensboro. Seeing what caught his eye as opposed to mine was fascinating. This was my second trip to downtown but assuredly not the last. The buildings are truly amazing. Wandering back street allowed us to visit with a gentleman that is reviving a building that is over 130 years old - he took the time to give a brief history that included blacksmith shop. It will, within the next year, be home to a micro-brewery.

Also learned this weekend ~ one of those truly "duh moments" ~ what I have missed over the years that I lived in Texas. Community. While visiting pubs and shops, listening to people visit at yoga classes - there is a feeling of comfort and community. No, I am not going back to thoughts of "what used to be" but what I never found in Texas and sadly did not realize it was missing. I do know it could be I was just not in the right place or it could be it was me. I did have a good life in Texas - husband, son, friends, work...no regrets...but...now I am in the right place at the right time.